Posted on 10/24/2019
As we write this blog post, Boulder is getting its first snow of the season. That means colder temperatures and potentially dangerous driving conditions are just around the corner. Now is the time to get your car or truck winter-ready. Here are five auto maintenance tips that could keep you from being stranded in the cold or getting into an accident: Pay attention to the battery Car batteries and frigid temperatures aren't a great combination. If you can't remember the last time you replaced the battery, then your vehicle could probably use a new one. At The Shop Automotive, our technicians can easily test your current battery if needed. One more thing worth mentioning here: Figure out how to jump-start a car just in case you find yourself stranded this winter. The last thing you want to do is put your safety at risk while waiting for a tow. Replace wiper blades Even the best-performing wiper blades must be replaced at some point. If you're starting ... read more
Posted on 1/25/2019

The timing couldn't be better with this post as it's currently snowing here in Boulder. While we haven't had that doozy of a snowstorm yet this season, you know one is looming on the horizon. Maybe you recently read “5 Winter Auto Maintenance Tips” and it reminded you to take your vehicle in for a tuneup. But what happens in the event your car either breaks down this time of year or you're forced to pull over for a few hours until the heavy snow passes? It's imperative to have a winter emergency vehicle kit with all the essentials. Here are five must-have items to include in this kit: Phone charger For most of us, our phone is our lifeline. But it does you no good to have a phone without a charge when you're stuck in a blizzard. Our advice? Invest in a hand-crank charger that works away from the car and when the car battery is dead. Hand warmers and blanket Many stranded drivers make the mi ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2018
You're driving along, jamming to one of your favorite songs. Then you notice it appear on your dash — the dreaded check engine light. Should you pull over right away and contact a mechanic or take a chance and hope you reach your destination? Frankly, you should probably do something in between those extremes. While you probably don't need to pull over the second you notice the indicator, you should get your vehicle checked out as soon as possible. Let's take a closer look at what to do when the check engine light comes on. Look for a serious problem that warrants immediate attention First and foremost, you want to rule out potential disaster. Look closely at your dash gauges and lights for any signs of low oil pressure or overheating. Should your vehicle exhibit these conditions, pull over and shut off the engine before calling for help. Try tightening the gas cap Believe it or not, this happens from time to time. A driver stops for gas but fail ... read more
Posted on 12/24/2018
It seems like everyone is pinching pennies these days. When it comes to auto maintenance, drivers usually opt for what's cheapest. But what if there was a way to skip a potentially costly trip to the local automotive service center and still keep your vehicle in check? Here are five car maintenance tasks you can do yourself, as referenced from US News: Change the air filter This is far and away the easiest task to complete on the list. First, open your hood and locate the air filter. It's probably in a black case with metal clips on either side. Next, open the case and see how the old filter sits inside of it. Then remove the old filter while being careful that nothing falls into the bottom of the box. The job is done after you put the new filter in, close the case, and secure with the nuts. Change the oil Once you locate ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2018
It takes more than a reliable vehicle to be safe on the road. Smart driving practices also play a major role. With that in mind, here are five tips for becoming a responsible car owner: Drive carefully You can admit it. There are times as a driver when you fail to abide by traffic laws. Whether it's going over the speed limit or failing to use a turn signal, nobody can claim they're the model driver all the time. Consider this your reminder to drive with caution. Accelerate and brake slowly, especially with winter storms just around the corner. By consistently driving carefully, you put less stress on your vehicle's mechanical components and, of course, reduce the risk of accidents. Avoid emotional driving Getting behind the wheel of a car when upset or tired is a recipe for disaster. Keep in mind that tired drivers usually have slower response times while emotional drivers are prone to road rage. It's okay to pull over or stay put until you feel 100 p ... read more