Posted on 2/13/2018

Your car is an investment. And just like any investment, you want to give it the proper nurturing so that it will last for a long while and yield many great returns. Chances are, whether your car is brand new or it's been in the family for years (or even decades), you have an emotional bond with your vehicle. It's only natural. And that's why it's important to care for it properly at every turn. Part of being a responsible car owner these days is finding an auto shop that you can trust. What you don't want to do is choose an auto shop solely based upon the coupons they hand out. That can lead to jumping around from shop to shop every few months, and never giving the technicians a chance to get to know your car — which is a fundamentally important aspect of being able to care for it. So what should you look for in an auto shop? There are a few things. You want one that is trustworthy and has good reviews. You want one that is going to treat you with respect ... read more